RV Sites

Sites 102-123 (Creekfront) - $49.00 - $52.00 per night*
Sites 201-221 (Pull-thru) - $45.00 - $53.00 per night*
Sites 301-321 (Back-in) - $45.00 Per Night*

Stay 6 nights and get the 7th night free!
Book Now

*RV Camping Rates include 2 adults, children age 17 & under, 1 RV, and up to 2 vehicles per site. Extra vehicles $5/day per vehicle parking fee. Please see office for information on where to park extra vehicles that cannot be parked in your site. Rate for extra persons age 18 & older is an additional $5/day. Maximum of 8 persons per site (including visitors). Maximum of 2 pets per site. Pets are $1/day. Rates are subject to changes at any time.
**There is a 2-night minimum stay for Memorial Day, Labor Day weekends, and some other designated weekends.
***Visitor Fee is $5 per person, and visitors must check in at office and pay fees before continuing into park to a campsite. Visitors are included in 8-person site limit. Visitor vehicles must be able to be parked in guest’s site. No visitors after 9:00 p.m. If visitors do not check in, all persons in camping party will be asked to leave park.


Active/Retired Military discount: 10% with valid ID.
Senior rate (age 65 & over): 10% with valid ID.

Store ’N Stay

Want to save time and money? Consider our “Store ’N Stay” package!
• RV is safely stored at Big Creek RV Park
• RV is moved to a site when guest would like to stay at park (subject to availability)*
• Monthly storage fee of $49.00
• Guest pays nightly site rental rate when staying at park

*Guest must call at least 48 hours in advance to check for site availability and to allow time for RV to be moved to site.

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